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Sending Candidate Emails Using Gmail, AWS, and SendGrid SMTP Servers
Sending Candidate Emails Using Gmail, AWS, and SendGrid SMTP Servers

Learn how to configure Gmail, AWS, and SendGrid SMTP servers to send candidate emails directly from your own email system.

Pawan Mishra avatar
Written by Pawan Mishra
Updated over a month ago

To Configure SMTP server : (For gmail)

Steps :

  1. Go to the setting > Email > Click on Configure SMTP server.

Below page will appear :

  1. Enter server address -

  2. Sender Email Address - [email protected]

  3. From name - XYZ

  4. Reply to name - ABC

  5. User name - [email protected]

  6. Password - We need to generate the password.

  7. Encryption Type select SSL & Enter port number 465

  8. (For TLS use port number 587).

  9. Click on save.

Please follow the below steps to generate the password.

Step 1 : Go to the Gmail Account & Click on Security.

Step 2 : Click on 2 Step verification.

Step 3 : Click on Get started.

Step 4: Click on Continue.

Step 5 : Enter mobile number & Click on send

Step 6 : Enter the code and click on Next.

Step 7 : Click on Turn ON 2-Step verification.

Step 8 : Click on App passwords.

Step 9 : Select app and device and click on generate.

Now you can use this 16 digit password to configure the SMTP server.

After successfully configuring the SMTP server: below the page will appear and you will receive one test email.

To Configure SMTP server : (For AWS)

1.Go to AWS Simple email service

2.Go to amazon SES service

3.In the left side menu go to SMTP settings.

4.Create SMTP credentials.

5.Press Next

6.Your AWS SMTP credentials will be created.

7.Copy and save it.

8. Go to the account dashboard.

9.Click on request for production access.

10. Fill the production access form.

11. Then submit to the AWS team.

12.Then the AWS team will confirm your requirement.

13.Go to verified identities.

14.Click on Create identity.

15.For identity type Select email address

16.Specify the email address which u want to use for Testlify.

17.You will receive an email from AWS to confirm the email.

To Configure SMTP server : (For SendGrid)

Open your modules page, find the SMTP module, and configure it with the following settings:

  • SMTP Server -

  • SMTP Port - 587.(TLS)

  • Use Encrypted Protocol - No. If you want encryption choose "Use SSL" and

  • set SMTP Port to 465.(SSL)

  • Username - SendGrid Username: "apikey"

  • Password - SendGrid API Key.

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