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Ashby Integration
Anuraag Raman avatar
Written by Anuraag Raman
Updated yesterday

How to connect Testlify with Ashby:

Generate the Testlify API key from the Testlify dashboard

Click on Profile icon, Go to Settings.

Go to API Key under Developers tab and click on Generate Key.

Click on Copy Key.

Adding the API key in Ashby

Click on Admin, then go to Integrations under the Integrations tab. Then search for Testlify.

Select Testlify and Click on Enable Testlify.

Paste the API key that you have copied from Testlify.

Click on Ashby API Key, name the API key and click on Create New.

Your API key will be generated, Copy that API Key.

Adding the API key in Testlify:

Click on Profile icon, Go to Settings.

Go to Integrations under Developers tab and click on Ashby

Paste the API key that you have copied from the Ashby dashboard.

The integration is now successfully connected and is ready to be used.

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