Email Template Tags

Testlify provides the ability to change the email templates as per your needs. In Setting > Notification > Customise email templates to use this feature. To simplify life, you can use tags to get some dynamic data within the templates.

Customise email templates

Here is the list of all the dynamic tags with their description:

Tags Description
{USER_FIRST_NAME} First name of logged-in user
{USER_LAST_NAME} Last name of logged-in user
{WORKSPACE_NAME} Workspace name
{WORKSPACE_SUPPORT_EMAIL} The support email provided in the workspace setting would be if it's not been set in settings.
{CANDIDATE_FIRST_NAME} Candidate's first name
{CANDIDATE_LAST_NAME} Candidate's last name
{ASSESSMENT_NAME} Name of the assessment
{ASSESSMENT_START_BUTTON} Button which will start the assessment
{ASSESSMENT_START_URL} Full URL which will redirect them to the assessment
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