Webhooks are "user-defined HTTP callbacks". They are usually triggered by some event, such as inviting a candidate for an assessment or when a candidate completes the assessment. When that event occurs, the source site makes an HTTP POST request to the URL configured for the webhook. Users can configure them to cause events on one site to invoke behavior on another.
Configure a webhook in Testlify:
To configure a webhook for a workspace:
In your workspace, on the right side profile icon, select Settings > Webhooks.
In the URL, enter the URL of the webhook endpoint.
In the name, enter the name of the webhook.
In the Event section, select the event to trigger the webhook.
Click Add webhook.
To edit the webhook, Click on the Edit option given in the dropdown and make the required changes.
To test the webhook endpoint, click on the Test Event option given in the dropdown. You can trigger a webhook manually, to ensure it’s working properly.
To delete the configured webhook, click on the Delete option given in the dropdown.
Testlify provides webhooks for the following events:
Candidate Status Changed
This event is called on each time candidate's assessment status is changed. The different candidate assessment statuses and their payload are given below.
This event is called on each time candidate's assessment status is changed to Completed.
This event is called on each time candidate's assessment status is changed to Disqualified.
In Progress:
This event is called on each time candidate's assessment status is changed to In Progress.
Invitation Expired:
This event is called on each time candidate's assessment status is changed to Invitation Expired.
Assessment Created:
This event is called for every assessment creation.
Assessment Updated:
This event is called when assessment gets updated.
Assessment Deleted:
This event is called when assessment gets deleted.
Assessment Archived:
This event is called when user archive the assessment.
1. Invited
{ data: { email: "[email protected]", status: "INVITED", orgName: "autoremindercheck", lastName: "Ghosh", companyId: null, firstName: "Birkam", invitedAt: "2024-04-02T07:02:04.240Z", assessment: "Job Analysis Specialist", inviteLink: "https://candidate.testlify.com/candidate/assessment/invite?key=eyJlbWFpbCI6ImJpa3JhbS5naG9zaCsxQHRlc3RsaWZ5LmNvbSIsImludml0ZUtleSI6IjJiZWVlZTM2LTAyNzEtNGZjNC04M2M0LTNiZTVlYmNjZDhmNS1payIsImRlZmF1bHRMYW5ndWFnZSI6ImVuIn0=&isPublic=false", resellerId: null, resultLink: null, totalScore: 0, candidateId: "65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", completedAt: null, testLibrary: [], assessmentId: "660bab8d6094c041d799deac", reviewRating: 0, reviewRemark: "", totalQuestion: 0, candidateStage: "Invited For Assessment", candidateStatus: "INVITED", customQuestions: [], avgScorePercentage: 0, totalScoreAchieved: 0, totalTestTimeLimit: 0, candidateDetailLink: "https://autoremindercheck.testlify.com/assessment/660bab8d6094c041d799deac/candidate/65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", totalTestElapsedTime: 0, qualificationQuestions: [] }, type: "candidate", event: "candidateStatusChanged", success: true, metadata: false, timestamp: 1712041324323 }
2. Enrolled
{ data: { email: "[email protected]", status: "ENROLLED", orgName: "autoremindercheck", lastName: "Ghosh", companyId: null, firstName: "Bikram", invitedAt: "2024-04-02T07:02:04.240Z", assessment: "Job Analysis Specialist", inviteLink: "https://candidate.testlify.com/candidate/assessment/invite?key=eyJlbWFpbCI6ImJpa3JhbS5naG9zaCsxQHRlc3RsaWZ5LmNvbSIsImludml0ZUtleSI6IjJiZWVlZTM2LTAyNzEtNGZjNC04M2M0LTNiZTVlYmNjZDhmNS1payIsImRlZmF1bHRMYW5ndWFnZSI6ImVuIn0=&isPublic=false", resellerId: null, resultLink: "null", totalScore: 0, candidateId: "65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", completedAt: null, testLibrary: [], assessmentId: "660bab8d6094c041d799deac", reviewRating: 0, reviewRemark: "", totalQuestion: 0, candidateStage: "Enrolled For Assessment", candidateStatus: "ENROLLED", customQuestions: [], avgScorePercentage: 0, totalScoreAchieved: 0, totalTestTimeLimit: 0, antiCheatingMonitor: "", candidateDetailLink: "https://autoremindercheck.testlify.com/assessment/660bab8d6094c041d799deac/candidate/65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", totalTestElapsedTime: 0, qualificationQuestions: [] }, type: "candidate", event: "enrolled", success: true, metadata: false, timestamp: 1712041370916 }
3. In Progress:
{ data: { email: "[email protected]", status: "IN_PROGRESS", orgName: "autoremindercheck", lastName: "Ghosh", companyId: null, firstName: "Bikram", invitedAt: "2024-04-02T07:02:04.240Z", assessment: "Job Analysis Specialist", inviteLink: "https://candidate.testlify.com/candidate/assessment/invite?key=eyJlbWFpbCI6ImJpa3JhbS5naG9zaCsxQHRlc3RsaWZ5LmNvbSIsImludml0ZUtleSI6IjJiZWVlZTM2LTAyNzEtNGZjNC04M2M0LTNiZTVlYmNjZDhmNS1payIsImRlZmF1bHRMYW5ndWFnZSI6ImVuIn0=&isPublic=false", resellerId: null, resultLink: "null", totalScore: 37, candidateId: "65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", completedAt: null, testLibrary: [ { completed: false, questions: [ { question: "You work for a marketing firm that emphasizes the importance of punctuality. Your coworker, Rachel, frequently arrives late to work and your manager has not addressed the issue. However, when you arrive late, which is rare, your manager gives you a verbal warning.", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767027b" }, { question: "As a team member on a project, you witness one of your colleagues making derogatory remarks about another team member. What steps would you take in your role as team leader to promptly and appropriately resume work?", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767028f" }, { question: "A customer at a restaurant requests a special modification to their meal, such as leaving out an ingredient. How should the server respond?", questionnaireId: "63e238843d906c067ed3d8d6" }, { question: "A guest at a hotel complains about the room service being late. How should the front desk attendant handle the situation?", questionnaireId: "63e2381f3d906c067ed3d3f9" }, { question: "A customer at a restaurant requests the check. How should the server respond?", questionnaireId: "63e23a4f3d906c067ed3ecb6" }, { question: "A guest at a hotel requests a late check-out. How should the front desk attendant handle the request?", questionnaireId: "63e239ea3d906c067ed3e7c1" }, { question: "Your coworker, Mr. Steve, is someone you work with far too frequently. However, one day you find out from your other coworker that while he has been demeaning you behind your back, he is incredibly kind and friendly to you in person.\r\n\r\n**How will you respond under such circumstances?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767025d" }, { question: "As a Project Leader, you encounter a situation where one of your key team members is late for a crucial first-day client presentation, leading to dissatisfaction among the clients. **How do you address this issue to maintain professionalism and ensure future punctuality?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a07670271" }, { question: "You got promoted recently because of your hard work, and all your colleagues think you reached this promotion because of your boss's favor. They started taunting you, hampering your productivity, and bothering you because you know how much effort it took to achieve this level in your career.\r\n\r\n**How will you handle this situation?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767028a" }, { question: "How will you, as a team leader, maintain your team's motivation when the business is losing projects as a result of your team members' carelessness and passive involvement in a few crucial projects?", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a07670262" } ], completedAt: "", elapsedTime: 0, scoreAchieved: 0, testLibraryId: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd63", scorePercentage: 0, testLibraryTitle: "Communication" }, { completed: false, questions: [ { question: "How do you bulk delete contacts from the \"Contacts\" dashboard?\r\n\r\n![image](https://cdn.testlify.com/question/image/6389a4f0f6a8ac11c01ef1ca/1669982601003.png)", questionnaireId: "65aa78cffd2453537ae7186d" }, { question: "Which of the given options best defines system analysis and design?", questionnaireId: "65adff20fd2453a018e723d5" } ], completedAt: "", elapsedTime: 0, scoreAchieved: 0, testLibraryId: "65aa784ffb226bebe177f0a9", scorePercentage: 0, testLibraryTitle: "bikram" } ], assessmentId: "660bab8d6094c041d799deac", reviewRating: 0, reviewRemark: "", totalQuestion: 12, candidateStage: "Enrolled For Assessment", candidateStatus: "IN_PROGRESS", customQuestions: [ { question: "You're a Sales Representative for a leading software company specializing in productivity tools. A potential client reaches out via chat asking for information about how your software can be integrated with their existing systems, which are quite outdated. They are interested but need reassurance about the integration process and support. How would you explain the integration capabilities of your software and the support your company offers to facilitate a smooth transition?", assessmentCQId: "660bac551faf954015b86f67" }, { question: "What are your weaknesses?", assessmentCQId: "660bac976094c05bb899ded1" }, { question: "endkjfnew", assessmentCQId: "660bacb66094c0aa2f99ded2" } ], avgScorePercentage: 0, totalScoreAchieved: 0, totalTestTimeLimit: 1800, antiCheatingMonitor: { _id: "660bad9b5ef4e1c5c419ac39", city: "Kalyan", state: "Maharashtra", device: "Macintosh PC", country: "India", location: "Sai Shraddha CHS, Kate Manawali Jaibai Vidhya Mandir Road, Hanuman NGR-Katemanivali, Kalyan East, Kalyan 421306, India", isMicEnabled: false, recentLatitude: "19.228051871831454", recentLocation: "Sai Shraddha CHS, Kate Manawali Jaibai Vidhya Mandir Road, Hanuman NGR-Katemanivali, Kalyan East, Kalyan 421306, India", startIPAddress: "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", recentLongitude: "xx", timeSpentOutside: 0, isFilledFromSameIP: true, isFullScreenActive: true, isMouseInAssessmentWindow: true, screenLeftByCandidateCount: 0 }, candidateDetailLink: "https://autoremindercheck.testlify.com/assessment/660bab8d6094c041d799deac/candidate/65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", totalTestElapsedTime: 0, qualificationQuestions: [] }, type: "candidate", event: "in_progress", success: true, metadata: false, timestamp: 1712041409680 }
4. Disqualified/Rejected:
{ data: { email: "[email protected]", status: "DISQUALIFIED", orgName: "Testing", lastName: "Clark", companyId: null, firstName: "John", invitedAt: "2023-09-27T14:16:54.324Z", assessment: "Claims Appraiser", inviteLink: "https://candidate.testlify.com/candidate/assessment/invite?key=eyJlbWFpbCI6Im1hZGFubmlrYWxqZTQ0QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImludml0ZUtleSI6ImQxMjFiMDMyLWE2YjktNDFiZC05MzI1LTdhMTBkYjRhNjFkYS1payIsImRlZmF1bHRMYW5ndWFnZSI6ImVuIn0=&isPublic=false", resellerId: null, totalScore: 0, candidateId: "64804dd8fb84569463064bfa", completedAt: "2023-09-27T14:17:30.212Z", testLibrary: [], assessmentId: "65143928292e257bf648053d", reviewRating: 0, reviewRemark: "", totalQuestion: 0, candidateStage: "Rejected", candidateStatus: "DISQUALIFIED", customQuestions: [], avgScorePercentage: null, totalScoreAchieved: 0, totalTestTimeLimit: 0, totalTestElapsedTime: 0, qualificationQuestions: [ { score: 0, options: [ { _id: "6514393f0000000000000000", format: "MD", isCorrect: true, isAnswered: false, description: "Yes" }, { _id: "651439400000000000000000", format: "MD", isCorrect: false, isAnswered: true, description: "No" } ], duration: 0, question: "Do you have passport?", assessmentQQId: "6514393f2fc1b9b072500c50", classification: "SINGLE_SELECT", elapseDuration: 5.842, isAnsweredCorrect: false } ] }, type: "candidate", event: "disqualified", success: true, metadata: false }
5. Invitation Expired:
{ "success": true, "data": { "assessmentId": "63ce0ce2fcd5d500044e5aea", "firstName": "John", "assessmentName": "Test Assessment", "orgId": "61dd2c6476bb7caae4156b5a", "orgName": "TechB9", "lastName": "Clark", "email": "[email protected]", "title": "Test Assessment", "invitedAt": "2023-01-23T04:37:49.231Z", "completedAt": null, "difficultyLevel": "", "candidateStatus": "INVITATION_EXPIRED", "candidateStage": "Request Expired For Assessment", "totalQuestion": 0, "totalScore": 0, "totalScoreAchieved": 0, "avgScorePercentage": 0, "totalTestTimeLimit": 0, "totalTestExtraTime": 0, "totalTestElapsedTime": 0, "antiCheatingMonitor": "", "capturedScreenImageBasePath": "", "capturedScreenImages": [], "testLibrary": [], "customQuestions": [], "qualificationQuestions": [], "reviewRating": 0, "reviewRemark": "", "expired": false, "isCefrReportRequired": true, "isPsychometricTest": false } }
6. Completed:
{ data: { email: "[email protected]", status: "COMPLETED", orgName: "autoremindercheck", lastName: "Ghosh", companyId: null, firstName: "Bikram", invitedAt: "2024-04-02T07:02:04.240Z", assessment: "Job Analysis Specialist", inviteLink: "https://candidate.testlify.com/candidate/assessment/invite?key=eyJlbWFpbCI6ImJpa3JhbS5naG9zaCsxQHRlc3RsaWZ5LmNvbSIsImludml0ZUtleSI6IjJiZWVlZTM2LTAyNzEtNGZjNC04M2M0LTNiZTVlYmNjZDhmNS1payIsImRlZmF1bHRMYW5ndWFnZSI6ImVuIn0=&isPublic=false", resellerId: null, resultLink: "https://cdn-global.net/reports/pdf/assessment-candidate-report/660bad6c1faf955408b86f74.pdf", totalScore: 32, candidateId: "65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", completedAt: "2024-04-02T07:11:56.311Z", testLibrary: [ { completed: true, questions: [ { question: "You work for a marketing firm that emphasizes the importance of punctuality. Your coworker, Rachel, frequently arrives late to work and your manager has not addressed the issue. However, when you arrive late, which is rare, your manager gives you a verbal warning.", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767027b" }, { question: "As a team member on a project, you witness one of your colleagues making derogatory remarks about another team member. What steps would you take in your role as team leader to promptly and appropriately resume work?", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767028f" }, { question: "A customer at a restaurant requests a special modification to their meal, such as leaving out an ingredient. How should the server respond?", questionnaireId: "63e238843d906c067ed3d8d6" }, { question: "A guest at a hotel complains about the room service being late. How should the front desk attendant handle the situation?", questionnaireId: "63e2381f3d906c067ed3d3f9" }, { question: "A customer at a restaurant requests the check. How should the server respond?", questionnaireId: "63e23a4f3d906c067ed3ecb6" }, { question: "A guest at a hotel requests a late check-out. How should the front desk attendant handle the request?", questionnaireId: "63e239ea3d906c067ed3e7c1" }, { question: "Your coworker, Mr. Steve, is someone you work with far too frequently. However, one day you find out from your other coworker that while he has been demeaning you behind your back, he is incredibly kind and friendly to you in person.\r\n\r\n**How will you respond under such circumstances?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767025d" }, { question: "As a Project Leader, you encounter a situation where one of your key team members is late for a crucial first-day client presentation, leading to dissatisfaction among the clients. **How do you address this issue to maintain professionalism and ensure future punctuality?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a07670271" }, { question: "You got promoted recently because of your hard work, and all your colleagues think you reached this promotion because of your boss's favor. They started taunting you, hampering your productivity, and bothering you because you know how much effort it took to achieve this level in your career.\r\n\r\n**How will you handle this situation?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767028a" }, { question: "How will you, as a team leader, maintain your team's motivation when the business is losing projects as a result of your team members' carelessness and passive involvement in a few crucial projects?", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a07670262" } ], completedAt: "2024-04-02T07:08:50.158Z", elapsedTime: 314.764, scoreAchieved: 3, testLibraryId: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd63", scorePercentage: 30, testLibraryTitle: "Communication" }, { completed: true, questions: [ { question: "How do you bulk delete contacts from the \"Contacts\" dashboard?\r\n\r\n![image](https://cdn.testlify.com/question/image/6389a4f0f6a8ac11c01ef1ca/1669982601003.png)", questionnaireId: "65aa78cffd2453537ae7186d" }, { question: "Which of the given options best defines system analysis and design?", questionnaireId: "65adff20fd2453a018e723d5" } ], completedAt: "2024-04-02T07:09:01.763Z", elapsedTime: 5.652, scoreAchieved: 1, testLibraryId: "65aa784ffb226bebe177f0a9", scorePercentage: 50, testLibraryTitle: "bikram" } ], assessmentId: "660bab8d6094c041d799deac", reviewRating: 0, reviewRemark: "", totalQuestion: 12, candidateStage: "Assessment Completed", candidateStatus: "COMPLETED", customQuestions: [ { question: "You're a Sales Representative for a leading software company specializing in productivity tools. A potential client reaches out via chat asking for information about how your software can be integrated with their existing systems, which are quite outdated. They are interested but need reassurance about the integration process and support. How would you explain the integration capabilities of your software and the support your company offers to facilitate a smooth transition?", assessmentCQId: "660bac551faf954015b86f67" }, { question: "What are your weaknesses?", assessmentCQId: "660bac976094c05bb899ded1" }, { question: "endkjfnew", assessmentCQId: "660bacb66094c0aa2f99ded2" } ], avgScorePercentage: 18, totalScoreAchieved: 14, totalTestTimeLimit: 1800, antiCheatingMonitor: { _id: "660bad9b5ef4e1c5c419ac39", city: "Kalyan", state: "Maharashtra", device: "Macintosh PC", country: "India", location: "Sai Shraddha CHS, Kate Manawali Jaibai Vidhya Mandir Road, Hanuman NGR-Katemanivali, Kalyan East, Kalyan 421306, India", isMicEnabled: false, recentLatitude: "19.228051871831454", recentLocation: "Sai Shraddha CHS, Kate Manawali Jaibai Vidhya Mandir Road, Hanuman NGR-Katemanivali, Kalyan East, Kalyan 421306, India", startIPAddress: "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", recentLongitude: "xx", timeSpentOutside: 157000, isFilledFromSameIP: true, isFullScreenActive: false, isMouseInAssessmentWindow: false, screenLeftByCandidateCount: 17 }, candidateDetailLink: "https://autoremindercheck.testlify.com/assessment/660bab8d6094c041d799deac/candidate/65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", totalTestElapsedTime: 300, qualificationQuestions: [] }, type: "candidate", event: "completed", success: true, metadata: false, timestamp: 1712041931149 }
1. Score Updated
{ data: { email: "[email protected]", status: "REJECTED", orgName: "autoremindercheck", lastName: "Ghosh", companyId: null, firstName: "Bikram", invitedAt: "2024-04-02T07:02:04.240Z", assessment: "Job Analysis Specialist", inviteLink: "https://candidate.testlify.com/candidate/assessment/invite?key=eyJlbWFpbCI6ImJpa3JhbS5naG9zaCsxQHRlc3RsaWZ5LmNvbSIsImludml0ZUtleSI6IjJiZWVlZTM2LTAyNzEtNGZjNC04M2M0LTNiZTVlYmNjZDhmNS1payIsImRlZmF1bHRMYW5ndWFnZSI6ImVuIn0=&isPublic=false", resellerId: null, resultLink: "reports/pdf/assessment-candidate-report/660bad6c1faf955408b86f74.pdf", totalScore: 37, candidateId: "65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", completedAt: "2024-04-02T07:11:56.311Z", testLibrary: [ { questions: [ { question: "You work for a marketing firm that emphasizes the importance of punctuality. Your coworker, Rachel, frequently arrives late to work and your manager has not addressed the issue. However, when you arrive late, which is rare, your manager gives you a verbal warning.", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767027b" }, { question: "As a team member on a project, you witness one of your colleagues making derogatory remarks about another team member. What steps would you take in your role as team leader to promptly and appropriately resume work?", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767028f" }, { question: "A customer at a restaurant requests a special modification to their meal, such as leaving out an ingredient. How should the server respond?", questionnaireId: "63e238843d906c067ed3d8d6" }, { question: "A guest at a hotel complains about the room service being late. How should the front desk attendant handle the situation?", questionnaireId: "63e2381f3d906c067ed3d3f9" }, { question: "A customer at a restaurant requests the check. How should the server respond?", questionnaireId: "63e23a4f3d906c067ed3ecb6" }, { question: "A guest at a hotel requests a late check-out. How should the front desk attendant handle the request?", questionnaireId: "63e239ea3d906c067ed3e7c1" }, { question: "Your coworker, Mr. Steve, is someone you work with far too frequently. However, one day you find out from your other coworker that while he has been demeaning you behind your back, he is incredibly kind and friendly to you in person.\r\n\r\n**How will you respond under such circumstances?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767025d" }, { question: "As a Project Leader, you encounter a situation where one of your key team members is late for a crucial first-day client presentation, leading to dissatisfaction among the clients. **How do you address this issue to maintain professionalism and ensure future punctuality?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a07670271" }, { question: "You got promoted recently because of your hard work, and all your colleagues think you reached this promotion because of your boss's favor. They started taunting you, hampering your productivity, and bothering you because you know how much effort it took to achieve this level in your career.\r\n\r\n**How will you handle this situation?**", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a0767028a" }, { question: "How will you, as a team leader, maintain your team's motivation when the business is losing projects as a result of your team members' carelessness and passive involvement in a few crucial projects?", questionnaireId: "632066e01a23bc7a07670262" } ], testLibraryId: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd63", testLibraryTitle: "Communication" }, { questions: [ { question: "How do you bulk delete contacts from the \"Contacts\" dashboard?\r\n\r\n![image](https://cdn.testlify.com/question/image/6389a4f0f6a8ac11c01ef1ca/1669982601003.png)", questionnaireId: "65aa78cffd2453537ae7186d" }, { question: "Which of the given options best defines system analysis and design?", questionnaireId: "65adff20fd2453a018e723d5" } ], testLibraryId: "65aa784ffb226bebe177f0a9", testLibraryTitle: "bikram" } ], assessmentId: "660bab8d6094c041d799deac", reviewRating: 0, reviewRemark: "", totalQuestion: 12, candidateStage: "Rejected", candidateStatus: "REJECTED", customQuestions: [ { question: "You're a Sales Representative for a leading software company specializing in productivity tools. A potential client reaches out via chat asking for information about how your software can be integrated with their existing systems, which are quite outdated. They are interested but need reassurance about the integration process and support. How would you explain the integration capabilities of your software and the support your company offers to facilitate a smooth transition?", assessmentCQId: "660bac551faf954015b86f67" }, { question: "What are your weaknesses?", assessmentCQId: "660bac976094c05bb899ded1" }, { question: "endkjfnew", assessmentCQId: "660bacb66094c0aa2f99ded2" } ], avgScorePercentage: 27, totalScoreAchieved: 10, totalTestTimeLimit: 1800, candidateDetailLink: "https://autoremindercheck.testlify.com/assessment/660bab8d6094c041d799deac/candidate/65c31870d88dd11e3e3c6ebd", totalTestElapsedTime: 300, qualificationQuestions: [] }, type: "candidate", event: "candidateStatusChanged", success: true, metadata: false, timestamp: 1712042625525 }
1. Assessment Created
{ data: { name: "Job Analysis Specialist", grading: [ { max: 25, min: 0, name: "NOT_SUITABLE", color: "#CF4747" }, { max: 40, min: 26, name: "BEGINNER", color: "#F07A44" }, { max: 60, min: 41, name: "INTERMEDIATE", color: "#F49B3E" }, { max: 75, min: 61, name: "EXPERIENCED", color: "#4D9E6F" }, { max: 90, min: 76, name: "EXPERT", color: "#499FF7" }, { max: 100, min: 91, name: "PROFICIENT", color: "#9B43BC" } ], language: "en", companyId: null, jobRoleId: "61a912823382a303d0a7dc85", totalTime: 0, isArchived: false, resellerId: null, jobRoleName: "Job Analysis Specialist", testLibrary: [], assessmentId: "660bab8d6094c041d799deac", customFields: [ { type: "EMAIL", label: "Email", status: "OPTIONAL", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { type: "TEXT", label: "First name", status: "REQUIRED", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { type: "TEXT", label: "Last name", status: "REQUIRED", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { type: "NUMBER", label: "Phone number", status: "OPTIONAL", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" } ], otherJobRole: "", reportSetting: { statusLogs: true, candidateInfo: true, questionAsked: true, expectedAnswer: false, proctoringInfo: false, performanceAnalytics: true }, customQuestion: [], locationAccess: false, assessmentTitle: "Job Analysis Specialist", defaultLanguage: "en", enableGrammarly: false, forceFullScreen: false, assessmentStatus: "DRAFT", numberOfAttempts: 1, publicInviteLink: "", redirectSettings: { redirectUrl: null, redirectMethod: "DEFAULT_REDIRECT_PAGE" }, skipRegistration: false, totalTestLibrary: 0, welcomeVideoPath: "", disableFullScreen: false, customQuestionTime: 0, totalCustomQuestion: 0, aiGenerationMetadata: {}, assessmentInstructions: "", customQuestionTimerType: "DEFAULT", snapshotCaptureRequired: false, externalWelcomeVideoLink: null, recipientForNotification: [], sendAssessmentResultEmail: false, invitationEmailLinkValidity: 30, attemptTestLibrariesRequired: false, webcamAndMicrophoneAccessRequired: false, enableNavigationToPreviousQuestions: true }, type: "assessment", event: "created", success: true, metadata: {} }
1. Assessment Updated
{ data: { name: "Job Analysis Specialist", grading: [ { max: 25, min: 0, name: "NOT_SUITABLE", color: "#CF4747" }, { max: 40, min: 26, name: "BEGINNER", color: "#F07A44" }, { max: 60, min: 41, name: "INTERMEDIATE", color: "#F49B3E" }, { max: 75, min: 61, name: "EXPERIENCED", color: "#4D9E6F" }, { max: 90, min: 76, name: "EXPERT", color: "#499FF7" }, { max: 100, min: 91, name: "PROFICIENT", color: "#9B43BC" } ], language: "en", companyId: null, jobRoleId: "61a912823382a303d0a7dc85", totalTime: 2700, isArchived: false, resellerId: null, jobRoleName: "Job Analysis Specialist", testLibrary: [ { orgId: "", skills: [ { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd64", description: "Behavior", extendedDescription: "" }, { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd65", description: "Leadership", extendedDescription: "Communication leadership refers to the ability to effectively guide and direct others in a positive and productive way. This may involve setting goals, making decisions, and providing support and guidance to team members." }, { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd66", description: "Punctuality", extendedDescription: "Punctuality in communication refers to the importance of being on time for meetings, conferences, and other events. This can be important for maintaining good relations with colleagues and clients, as well as for ensuring that work is completed efficiently." }, { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd67", description: "Support", extendedDescription: "Support refers to providing assistance, encouragement, and guidance to others. This may involve offering advice or help when needed, or simply being a sounding board for others to express their thoughts and ideas." }, { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd68", description: "Team Management", extendedDescription: "Team management in communication refers to the process of coordinating and organizing the efforts of a group of people to achieve a common goal. This may involve setting expectations, delegating tasks, and providing support and guidance to team members." } ], extraTime: 0, relevancy: "This test is relevant for Public Relations Manager, Media relations managers, Communications managers, Brand Managers, Marketing Project managers, and other roles which require strong communication skills.", timeLimit: 600, description: "This test relates to the candidate's situational behavior, like communication and attitude towards the colleague, supervisor, and the company. This will help the employer assess the candidate who is keen to join the company. And it will help to understand the candidate's behavior towards his work, and the employer will know that specific candidate's attitude and way of thinking.", testTypeName: "Situational Judgement", questionLimit: 10, testLibraryId: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd63", targetAudience: "ENGLISH_SPEAKING", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "Intermediate", testLibraryType: { id: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfe", name: "Situational Judgement" }, maxQuestionLimit: 10, testLibraryTitle: "Communication", testLibraryTypeId: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfe", selectedCodingLanguages: [] }, { orgId: "64895d02c43ebfa3e86b7065", skills: [ { _id: "65aa784f0000000000000000", description: "bik", extendedDescription: "" }, { _id: "65aa78500000000000000000", description: "bs", extendedDescription: "" }, { _id: "65aa78d10000000000000000", description: "HubSpot", extendedDescription: "" }, { _id: "65adff230000000000000000", description: "System analysis & design with architecture", extendedDescription: "" } ], extraTime: 0, relevancy: "", timeLimit: 1200, description: "", testTypeName: "Situational Judgement", questionLimit: 2, testLibraryId: "65aa784ffb226bebe177f0a9", targetAudience: "English Speaking", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "Intermediate", testLibraryType: { id: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfe", name: "Situational Judgement" }, maxQuestionLimit: 20, testLibraryTitle: "bikram", testLibraryTypeId: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfe", selectedCodingLanguages: [] } ], assessmentId: "660bab8d6094c041d799deac", customFields: [ { id: "660bace10000000000000000", type: "EMAIL", label: "Email", status: "OPTIONAL", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { id: "660bace20000000000000000", type: "TEXT", label: "First name", status: "REQUIRED", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { id: "660bace30000000000000000", type: "TEXT", label: "Last name", status: "REQUIRED", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { id: "660bace40000000000000000", type: "NUMBER", label: "Phone number", status: "OPTIONAL", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" } ], otherJobRole: "", reportSetting: { statusLogs: true, candidateInfo: true, questionAsked: true, expectedAnswer: false, proctoringInfo: false, performanceAnalytics: true }, customQuestion: [ { docLink: "", maxChar: 0, options: [], aiPrompt: "Assume the position of an interviewer assessing a candidate for a Sales Representative position within a software company. The scenario involves a potential client inquiring via chat about integrating your company's productivity tools with outdated systems. Direct the role-play to examine how the candidate explains the integration process and the support available, ensuring the conversation highlights their ability to reassure and engage the client. Please only send one question at a time. Engage with the candidate through a chat-based role-play interview. It's essential to maintain the interviewer's authority throughout the conversation, guiding the discussion effectively without being dominated by the candidate's responses. Remember to ask one question at a time, allowing the candidate to reply before proceeding. Ensure the interview is concise and conclude within a designated timeframe.", duration: 300, question: "You're a Sales Representative for a leading software company specializing in productivity tools. A potential client reaches out via chat asking for information about how your software can be integrated with their existing systems, which are quite outdated. They are interested but need reassurance about the integration process and support. How would you explain the integration capabilities of your software and the support your company offers to facilitate a smooth transition?", sourceId: "", testCases: [], aiGenerated: false, isMandatory: false, maximumScore: 10, assessmentCQId: "660bac551faf954015b86f67", classification: "CHAT_SIMULATION", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 0, questionMetadata: {}, isCommentMandatory: false, defaultCodingLanguageId: "" }, { docLink: "", maxChar: 0, options: [], aiPrompt: "", duration: 300, question: "What are your weaknesses?", sourceId: "", testCases: [], aiGenerated: false, isMandatory: false, maximumScore: 5, assessmentCQId: "660bac976094c05bb899ded1", classification: "WRITTEN_ANSWER", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 0, questionMetadata: {}, isCommentMandatory: false, defaultCodingLanguageId: "" }, { docLink: "", maxChar: 0, options: [], aiPrompt: "", duration: 300, question: "endkjfnew", sourceId: "", testCases: [ { _id: "660bacb60000000000000000", input: "1", output: "1", database: "", isHidden: false }, { _id: "660bacb70000000000000000", input: "1", output: "1", database: "", isHidden: true }, { _id: "660bacb80000000000000000", input: "1", output: "1", database: "", isHidden: false } ], aiGenerated: false, isMandatory: false, maximumScore: 10, assessmentCQId: "660bacb66094c0aa2f99ded2", classification: "CODING_ANSWER", codingLanguages: [ "6406fe79c086f88bb1e868cb", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7a", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7b", "63074aca26b28bda32d9ab48", "63074adc26b28bda32d9ab4a", "63074ad226b28bda32d9ab49", "63074ae726b28bda32d9ab4b", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7c", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7d", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7e", "63074afa26b28bda32d9ab4d", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7f", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b80", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b81", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b82", "63074b0f26b28bda32d9ab4e", "6407123ac086f88bb1e868ce", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b83", "6308b49c7fc399cd2888b516", "6308b0cb7fc399cd2888b50d", "6308b1197fc399cd2888b50e", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b84", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b86", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b85", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b87", "6308b1317fc399cd2888b50f", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b88", "63074aee26b28bda32d9ab4c", "640711bac086f88bb1e868cd", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b89", "6308b1497fc399cd2888b510", "6308b16a7fc399cd2888b511", "6308b21f7fc399cd2888b515", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b8a", "6308b1807fc399cd2888b512", "6308b1927fc399cd2888b513", "6308b1a17fc399cd2888b514", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b8b", "6481de4ceb84981a4e01a78a" ], difficultyLevel: "EASY", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 0, questionMetadata: {}, isCommentMandatory: false, defaultCodingLanguageId: "6308b1497fc399cd2888b510" } ], locationAccess: true, assessmentTitle: "Job Analysis Specialist", defaultLanguage: "en", enableGrammarly: false, forceFullScreen: false, assessmentStatus: "PUBLISHED", numberOfAttempts: 1, publicInviteLink: "", redirectSettings: { redirectUrl: "", redirectMethod: "DEFAULT_REDIRECT_PAGE" }, skipRegistration: false, totalTestLibrary: 2, welcomeVideoPath: "", disableFullScreen: false, customQuestionTime: 0, totalCustomQuestion: 3, aiGenerationMetadata: {}, qualificationQuestion: [], assessmentInstructions: "", customQuestionTimerType: "DEFAULT", snapshotCaptureRequired: false, externalWelcomeVideoLink: null, recipientForNotification: [ "[email protected]" ], sendAssessmentResultEmail: true, invitationEmailLinkValidity: 30, attemptTestLibrariesRequired: false, webcamAndMicrophoneAccessRequired: false, enableNavigationToPreviousQuestions: true }, type: "assessment", event: "updated", success: true, metadata: {} }
1. Assessment Deleted
{ data: { name: "Job Analysis Specialist", grading: [ { max: 25, min: 0, name: "NOT_SUITABLE", color: "#CF4747" }, { max: 40, min: 26, name: "BEGINNER", color: "#F07A44" }, { max: 60, min: 41, name: "INTERMEDIATE", color: "#F49B3E" }, { max: 75, min: 61, name: "EXPERIENCED", color: "#4D9E6F" }, { max: 90, min: 76, name: "EXPERT", color: "#499FF7" }, { max: 100, min: 91, name: "PROFICIENT", color: "#9B43BC" } ], language: "en", companyId: null, jobRoleId: "61a912823382a303d0a7dc85", totalTime: 2700, isArchived: false, resellerId: null, jobRoleName: "Job Analysis Specialist", testLibrary: [ { orgId: "", skills: [ { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd64", description: "Behavior", extendedDescription: "" }, { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd65", description: "Leadership", extendedDescription: "Communication leadership refers to the ability to effectively guide and direct others in a positive and productive way. This may involve setting goals, making decisions, and providing support and guidance to team members." }, { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd66", description: "Punctuality", extendedDescription: "Punctuality in communication refers to the importance of being on time for meetings, conferences, and other events. This can be important for maintaining good relations with colleagues and clients, as well as for ensuring that work is completed efficiently." }, { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd67", description: "Support", extendedDescription: "Support refers to providing assistance, encouragement, and guidance to others. This may involve offering advice or help when needed, or simply being a sounding board for others to express their thoughts and ideas." }, { _id: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd68", description: "Team Management", extendedDescription: "Team management in communication refers to the process of coordinating and organizing the efforts of a group of people to achieve a common goal. This may involve setting expectations, delegating tasks, and providing support and guidance to team members." } ], extraTime: 0, relevancy: "This test is relevant for Public Relations Manager, Media relations managers, Communications managers, Brand Managers, Marketing Project managers, and other roles which require strong communication skills.", timeLimit: 600, description: "This test relates to the candidate's situational behavior, like communication and attitude towards the colleague, supervisor, and the company. This will help the employer assess the candidate who is keen to join the company. And it will help to understand the candidate's behavior towards his work, and the employer will know that specific candidate's attitude and way of thinking.", testTypeName: "Situational Judgement", questionLimit: 10, testLibraryId: "632065671a23bc7a0766fd63", targetAudience: "ENGLISH_SPEAKING", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "Intermediate", testLibraryType: { id: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfe", name: "Situational Judgement" }, maxQuestionLimit: 10, testLibraryTitle: "Communication", testLibraryTypeId: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfe", selectedCodingLanguages: [] }, { orgId: "64895d02c43ebfa3e86b7065", skills: [ { _id: "65aa784f0000000000000000", description: "bik", extendedDescription: "" }, { _id: "65aa78500000000000000000", description: "bs", extendedDescription: "" }, { _id: "65aa78d10000000000000000", description: "HubSpot", extendedDescription: "" }, { _id: "65adff230000000000000000", description: "System analysis & design with architecture", extendedDescription: "" } ], extraTime: 0, relevancy: "", timeLimit: 1200, description: "", testTypeName: "Situational Judgement", questionLimit: 2, testLibraryId: "65aa784ffb226bebe177f0a9", targetAudience: "English Speaking", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "Intermediate", testLibraryType: { id: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfe", name: "Situational Judgement" }, maxQuestionLimit: 20, testLibraryTitle: "bikram", testLibraryTypeId: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfe", selectedCodingLanguages: [] } ], assessmentId: "660bab8d6094c041d799deac", customFields: [ { id: "660bace10000000000000000", type: "EMAIL", label: "Email", status: "OPTIONAL", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { id: "660bace20000000000000000", type: "TEXT", label: "First name", status: "REQUIRED", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { id: "660bace30000000000000000", type: "TEXT", label: "Last name", status: "REQUIRED", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" }, { id: "660bace40000000000000000", type: "NUMBER", label: "Phone number", status: "OPTIONAL", isDefault: true, visibility: "VISIBLE" } ], otherJobRole: "", reportSetting: { statusLogs: true, candidateInfo: true, questionAsked: true, expectedAnswer: false, proctoringInfo: false, performanceAnalytics: true }, customQuestion: [ { docLink: "", maxChar: 0, options: [], aiPrompt: "Assume the position of an interviewer assessing a candidate for a Sales Representative position within a software company. The scenario involves a potential client inquiring via chat about integrating your company's productivity tools with outdated systems. Direct the role-play to examine how the candidate explains the integration process and the support available, ensuring the conversation highlights their ability to reassure and engage the client. Please only send one question at a time. Engage with the candidate through a chat-based role-play interview. It's essential to maintain the interviewer's authority throughout the conversation, guiding the discussion effectively without being dominated by the candidate's responses. Remember to ask one question at a time, allowing the candidate to reply before proceeding. Ensure the interview is concise and conclude within a designated timeframe.", duration: 300, question: "You're a Sales Representative for a leading software company specializing in productivity tools. A potential client reaches out via chat asking for information about how your software can be integrated with their existing systems, which are quite outdated. They are interested but need reassurance about the integration process and support. How would you explain the integration capabilities of your software and the support your company offers to facilitate a smooth transition?", sourceId: "", testCases: [], aiGenerated: false, isMandatory: false, maximumScore: 10, assessmentCQId: "660bac551faf954015b86f67", classification: "CHAT_SIMULATION", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 0, questionMetadata: {}, isCommentMandatory: false, defaultCodingLanguageId: "" }, { docLink: "", maxChar: 0, options: [], aiPrompt: "", duration: 300, question: "What are your weaknesses?", sourceId: "", testCases: [], aiGenerated: false, isMandatory: false, maximumScore: 5, assessmentCQId: "660bac976094c05bb899ded1", classification: "WRITTEN_ANSWER", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 0, questionMetadata: {}, isCommentMandatory: false, defaultCodingLanguageId: "" }, { docLink: "", maxChar: 0, options: [], aiPrompt: "", duration: 300, question: "endkjfnew", sourceId: "", testCases: [ { _id: "660bacb60000000000000000", input: "1", output: "1", database: "", isHidden: false }, { _id: "660bacb70000000000000000", input: "1", output: "1", database: "", isHidden: true }, { _id: "660bacb80000000000000000", input: "1", output: "1", database: "", isHidden: false } ], aiGenerated: false, isMandatory: false, maximumScore: 10, assessmentCQId: "660bacb66094c0aa2f99ded2", classification: "CODING_ANSWER", codingLanguages: [ "6406fe79c086f88bb1e868cb", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7a", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7b", "63074aca26b28bda32d9ab48", "63074adc26b28bda32d9ab4a", "63074ad226b28bda32d9ab49", "63074ae726b28bda32d9ab4b", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7c", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7d", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7e", "63074afa26b28bda32d9ab4d", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b7f", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b80", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b81", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b82", "63074b0f26b28bda32d9ab4e", "6407123ac086f88bb1e868ce", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b83", "6308b49c7fc399cd2888b516", "6308b0cb7fc399cd2888b50d", "6308b1197fc399cd2888b50e", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b84", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b86", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b85", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b87", "6308b1317fc399cd2888b50f", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b88", "63074aee26b28bda32d9ab4c", "640711bac086f88bb1e868cd", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b89", "6308b1497fc399cd2888b510", "6308b16a7fc399cd2888b511", "6308b21f7fc399cd2888b515", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b8a", "6308b1807fc399cd2888b512", "6308b1927fc399cd2888b513", "6308b1a17fc399cd2888b514", "640710c3a74fc95591c22b8b", "6481de4ceb84981a4e01a78a" ], difficultyLevel: "EASY", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 0, questionMetadata: {}, isCommentMandatory: false, defaultCodingLanguageId: "6308b1497fc399cd2888b510" } ], locationAccess: true, assessmentTitle: "Job Analysis Specialist", defaultLanguage: "en", enableGrammarly: false, forceFullScreen: false, assessmentStatus: "SUBSCRIBED", numberOfAttempts: 1, publicInviteLink: "", redirectSettings: { redirectUrl: "", redirectMethod: "DEFAULT_REDIRECT_PAGE" }, skipRegistration: false, totalTestLibrary: 2, welcomeVideoPath: "", disableFullScreen: false, customQuestionTime: 0, totalCustomQuestion: 3, aiGenerationMetadata: {}, qualificationQuestion: [], assessmentInstructions: "", customQuestionTimerType: "DEFAULT", snapshotCaptureRequired: false, externalWelcomeVideoLink: null, recipientForNotification: [ "[email protected]" ], sendAssessmentResultEmail: true, invitationEmailLinkValidity: 30, attemptTestLibrariesRequired: false, webcamAndMicrophoneAccessRequired: false, enableNavigationToPreviousQuestions: true }, type: "assessment", event: "deleted", success: true, metadata: {} }
1. Assessment Archived
{ data: { name: "Video Content Marketer", language: "en", companyId: null, jobRoleId: "61a912843382a303d0a7de25", totalTime: 1080, isArchived: false, resellerId: null, jobRoleName: "Video Content Marketer", testLibrary: [ { orgId: "", extraTime: 0, timeLimit: 180, questionLimit: 3, testLibraryId: "62f2638e634d15b9a213bb2b", codingLanguages: [], difficultyLevel: "Intermediate", maxQuestionLimit: 12, testLibraryTitle: "Attention to detail - Visual", testLibraryTypeId: "61a9080ba9f88808505acdfa", testLibraryTypeName: "Cognitive ability", selectedCodingLanguages: [] } ], assessmentId: "6513f50bc988e6568d7dc261", otherJobRole: "", customQuestion: [ { docLink: "", options: [], duration: 300, question: "What are your weaknesses?", testCases: [], isMandatory: true, maximumScore: 5, assessmentCQId: "6513f52326562fb47c8e0b7a", classification: "VIDEO_ANSWER", difficultyLevel: "", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 3, isCommentMandatory: false }, { docLink: "", options: [], duration: 300, question: "Can you tell us about a time when you had to solve a complex problem at work? How did you go about solving it?", testCases: [], isMandatory: true, maximumScore: 5, assessmentCQId: "6513f52fc988e6e16c7dc262", classification: "AUDIO_ANSWER", difficultyLevel: "", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 3, isCommentMandatory: false }, { docLink: "", options: [], duration: 300, question: "Can you give an example of a project you have led in the past and the impact it had on the organization?", testCases: [], isMandatory: true, maximumScore: 5, assessmentCQId: "6513f53b3fc38166da594ba9", classification: "VIDEO_ANSWER", difficultyLevel: "", isCommentAllowed: false, numberOfAttempts: 3, isCommentMandatory: false } ], locationAccess: false, assessmentTitle: "Video Content Marketer", defaultLanguage: "en", enableGrammarly: false, assessmentStatus: "SUBSCRIBED", publicInviteLink: "", redirectSettings: { redirectUrl: "", redirectMethod: "DEFAULT_REDIRECT_PAGE" }, skipRegistration: false, totalTestLibrary: 1, welcomeVideoPath: "", disableFullScreen: false, totalCustomQuestion: 3, qualificationQuestion: [], snapshotCaptureRequired: false, externalWelcomeVideoLink: null, recipientForNotification: [ "[email protected]" ], sendAssessmentResultEmail: false, invitationEmailLinkValidity: 30, attemptTestLibrariesRequired: false, webcamAndMicrophoneAccessRequired: false }, type: "assessment", event: "archived", success: true, metadata: {} }